Band Shaped Keratopathy  Symptoms, Causes , Diagnosis and Unknown Facts
Band Shaped Keratopathy is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

What is Band Shaped Keratopathy ?

Band Shaped Keratopathy (Calcific band keratopathy, or band keratopathy) is a non-specific corneal condition characterised by chronic deposition of calcium salts (principally hydroxyapatite) within the basement membrane, Bowman’s layer and anterior stromal lamellae of the corneal epithelium (leaving remainder of the cornea clear). Initially, corneal degenerative changes begin near the limbus, either on nasal, temporal or both sides together in exposed palpebral fissure at 3 to 9 o’clock position. Calcific band is concentric with the limbus but is separated from it by a clear zone (representing a lucid interval) due to lack of Bowman’s layer at the periphery, or due to buffering action at the limbus. Keratopathy appears as a superficial greyish-white corneal opacity having frosted or ground glass appearance. The opacity is covered by clear epithelium with lacunae of uninvolved tissue. There are numerous holes where corneal nerves penetrate the Bowman’s layer. The disease progresses toward the corneal center and thickens as well in its anterior and posterior dimensions, resulting in more opaque, whitish surface with increased nodularity. Calcium deposits thicken and may cause breakdown of the overlying epithelium, resulting in the appearance of spontaneous and recurrent corneal epithelial erosions.

Band shaped keratopathy may occur as isolated condition or in association with a variety of disease entities. The corneal involvement is described as band shaped keratopathy because of the band-like distribution of the deposits across the interpalpebral zone. Unlike band shaped keratopathy, calcareous degeneration usually spares the basement and Bowman’s membrane and is characterised by clumps of calcium salts in the superficial and deep stroma.

Patients with keratopathy may remain relatively asymptomatic for a considerable length of time in early stages of the disease, as long as the central visual axis of the cornea remains clear. With progression of the disease, there is diminution of visual acuity and pain in the eyes due to disruption of the corneal epithelium.

Identification of corneal and conjunctival degenerations has improved with the use of confocal microscopy, immuno-histochemical staining and genetic testing.

Band Shaped Keratopathy Symptoms

Patients with band shaped keratopathy are asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease.

Patients with band shaped keratopathy may complain of:

  • Ocular (eye) irritation.
  • Foreign body sensation.
  • Diminution of vision.
  • Lacrimation or watering of eyes.
  • Pain.
  • Epithelial defects.
  • Photophobia (increased sensitivity to light).
  • Visible plaque in the eye.
  • Redness (less common).

Band Shaped Keratopathy Causes

Numerous mechanisms, whether systemic or local to the eye, by which the balance of the calcium phosphate solubility product are tilted toward abnormal tissue calcification resulting nonspecific finding of band keratopathy. As such, there are many diseases associated with this condition. Though we tend to think first of conditions such as uveitis and systemic hypercalcaemia, in a recent series the most commonly associated causes of calcific band keratopathy were chronic corneal oedema, phthisis bulbi, and even idiopathic cases.

Systemic disease associations:

Hypercalcaemia (elevated serum calcium level) may be due to:

  • Hyperparathyroidism.
  • Over treatment for hypoparathyroidism.
  • Vitamin D intoxication.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Multiple myeloma.
  • Paget’s disease.
  • Milk-alkali syndrome.
  • End stage renal disease: In end-stage renal disease, elevation of either serum calcium, phosphate, or both may disrupt the equilibrium towards precipitation.
  • Hypophosphatasia: Hypophosphatasia, an inborn error of metabolism involving decreased alkaline phosphatase activity and resultant hypercalcaemia (less common).
  • Tumoral calcinosis: Tumoral calcinosis, a rare syndrome characterised by periarticular calcium deposition, has also been reported as a systemic association (less common).

In some cases, reversal of serum hypercalcaemia through treatment of the underlying disease will lead to spontaneous resolution of band keratopathy within a few months.

Hyperuricaemia: Hyperuricaemia may lead to band keratopathy and is differentiated based on clinical history, the golden-brown colour on examination, and elevated uric acid levels.

Heredity: Primary hereditary band keratopathy.

Association with chronic ocular conditions:

Numerous chronic ocular conditions may similarly predispose to the development of calcific band keratopathy such as:

  • Uveitis (chronic iritis in particular, affiliated with Juvenile idiopathic arthritis). In general, the severity of band keratopathy relates directly to the duration of ocular inflammation, though the specific details of the cause and effect relationship between uveitis and corneal mineralisation remains poorly understood.
  • Chronic ocular inflammation.
  • Absolute glaucoma.
  • Chronic corneal oedema.
  • Phthisis bulbi.
  • Interstitial keratitis.
  • Ocular toxicity: Whereas band keratopathy typically develops over months to years, several of these iatrogenic aetiologies demonstrate rapid onset of the corneal changes. Ocular toxicity may be due to:

- Mercurial preservatives: Degenerative calcium deposition associated with chronic damage from mercurial preservatives in many ophthalmic preparations (e.g. phenyl-mercuric nitrate or thiomersal).

- Topical steroid-phosphate preparations.

- Intraocular use of silicone oil.

- Intraocular use of sodium hyaluronate and chondroitin sulphate: Intraocular use of sodium hyaluronate and chondroitin sulphate during routine cataract extraction.

The causes of band shaped keratopathy can be broadly divided into six categories:

  • Chronic inflammation: Chronic keratitis, chronic uveitis of any cause and ocular trauma, along with its accompanying chronic Inflammation, are the most common ocular causes of band shaped keratopathy.
  • Mercurial preservatives: Degenerative calcium deposition associated with chronic damage from mercurial preservatives in many ophthalmic preparations viz. long-term use of phenyl-mercuric nitrate preserved miotic therapy,or thiomersal containing artificial tears used for severe dry eye.
  • Hypercalcaemia: Hypercalcaemia secondary to milk alkali syndrome, vitamin D toxicity, sarcoidosis, hyperparathyroidism, lytic lesions affecting the bones, and other systemic diseases.
  • Raised serum phosphorus levels: Chronic renal failure, uraemia, or other conditions, that may cause a rise in serum phosphorus levels.
  • Heredity: Primary hereditary band keratopathy.
  • Silicone oil instillation in an aphakic eye.


Since its first description by Dixon in 1848, much remains elusive regarding the exact pathogenesis of Band keratopathy. It is not clear why the disease typically starts at the limbus with an intervening clear space.

The principal calcium salt deposited in band keratopathy, hydroxyapatite, is a complex crystal composed primarily of calcium and phosphate. The solubility of calcium phosphate in organic tissues in general is quite low and this product exists in a near supersaturated state in blood and interstitial tissue. Disruption of this equilibrium with resultant precipitation of calcium phosphate may readily occur with:

  • An increase in pH
  • Increase in local concentration of either ion
  • Abrupt loss of solvent (e.g. evaporative loss of aqueous tear layer) or
  • Appearance of calcium phosphate crystal nucleus in near supersaturated tissue.

It is surmised that hypercalcaemia alone was likely not sufficient to produce disease. The suggested possible mechanisms may be:

  • Abnormalities in the transport and mobilisation of calcium in interstitial fluid: Abnormalities in the transport and mobilisation of calcium in interstitial fluid likely drive deposition.
  • Dysfunction of the sodium bicarbonate co-transporter (NBCe1): Dysfunction of the sodium bicarbonate co-transporter (NBCe1) in corneal tissues, sufficiently impairs efflux of bicarbonate from the stroma into the aqueous, thereby raising local pH and predisposing to band keratopathy.
  • Localisation of disease to the interpalpebral fissure: Localisation of disease to the interpalpebral fissure, while unrelated to ultraviolet light exposure, may stem from the local effects of evaporative tear film loss.
  • Loss of carbon dioxide: Loss of carbon dioxide through diffusion at any exposed mucosal surface would raise local pH and thereby promote deposition. Local pH may explain further the propensity for the crystals to deposit in Bowman’s layer and anterior stromal layers, as deeper corneal lamellae have a lower pH due to lactic acid accumulation from anaerobic glycolysis. It is still not clear whether epithelial basement membrane is structurally more conducive to the sudden precipitation of crystalline calcium phosphate.

Some have asserted that the limbal vasculature may provide a buffer against pH changes, possibly explaining the commonly noted clear interval of uninvolved tissue at the limbus.

Band Shaped Keratopathy Diagnosis

Diagnosis of band shaped keratopathy depends upon clinical presentation.

Clinical history:

Patients with band shaped keratopathy are asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease. Symptomatic patients should be enquired about the severity and duration of symptoms.

History of systemic disease:

  • Any systemic disease causing hyperglycaemia.
  • Vitamin D intake: Patients should be questioned concerning excessive vitamin D ingestion. Although corneal calcification may be reversible with discontinuation of the vitamin, nephrocalcinosis may still develop.
  • Joint pains.

History of ocular conditions:

  • Ocular symptoms like Irritation, foreign body sensation, watering or diminution of vision.
  • Any history suggestive of chronic uveitis or inflammation of eyes.
  • Use of topical eye preparations containing steroid phosphate or mercurial preservatives.
  • Silicone eye injection.
  • Long standing glaucoma.

Clinical examination:

A general medical workup is advisable in patients with systemic association of the disease.

Examination of eyes should be carried out under slit lamp (bio-microscopy) by an eye specialist.

  • Band shaped keratopathy: Initially, corneal degenerative changes are seen concentric with the limbus, either on nasal, temporal or both sides together in exposed palpebral fissure at 3 to 9 o’clock position. Calcific band is separated from the limbus by a clear zone (representing a lucid interval). Keratopathy appears as a superficial greyish-white corneal opacity resembling frosted or ground glass, with ‘white flecks’ and ‘clear spots’ interspersed within the band, giving it a ‘Swiss cheese’ appearance. The opacity is covered by clear epithelium with lacunae of uninvolved tissue. Later, the disease progresses toward the corneal center and thickens resulting in more opaque, whitish surface with increased nodularity. Thickened calcium deposits may cause breakdown of the overlying epithelium, resulting in the appearance of spontaneous and recurrent corneal epithelial erosions or epithelial defects.
  • Signs of chronic inflammation or uveitis.
  • Signs of long standing glaucoma.
  • Silicone oil in anterior chamber.


There is deposition of calcium in epithelial basement membrane, Bowman’s layer and anterior stroma which is characteristically seen as sub-epithelial basophilic granular degeneration in band shaped distribution with haematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E stain). With disease progression, large calcium phosphate granules, with traces of sulphur and silicone, become confluent and hyaline deposits may be appreciable between layers of redundant, calcified Bowman’s membrane. Masses of eosinophilic amorphous connective tissue insinuate themselves between the fragments of calcified Bowman’s layer and the overlying epithelium, and there is patchy calcification of the anterior lamellae of the stroma. Calcium is also deposited in areas where there are signs of fibroblastic proliferation.

Special stains such as alizarin red or von-kossa stain may be used to confirm the findings.

Laboratory diagnosis:

Laboratory diagnosis may include tests to diagnose any systemic association of band shaped keratopathy such as:

  • Serum calcium and phosphate levels.
  • Serum parathormone level.
  • Renal function tests viz. blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels.
  • Angiotensin converting enzyme levels, x-ray or spiral computerised tomography (CT) scan of chest may be done in suspected cases of sarcoid.

Imaging studies:

Imaging studies may help in a search for lytic lesions affecting the bones.

Calcific band keratopathy should be differentiated from:

  • Primary and secondary calcareous degeneration of cornea.
  • Spheroidal degeneration or droplet keratopathy which shows band like deposition of hyaline.
  • Salzmann nodular degeneration.
  • Blood staining of cornea.
  • Advanced anterior basement membrane dystrophy of cornea.
  • Calciphylaxis: Calciphylaxis is a condition of induced ocular and systemic hypersensitivity reaction, characterised by calcium deposition in response to specific antigens or agents. For example, it takes place in children with uveitis or in patients given calciferol.
  • Topical ciprofloxacin solution particle deposition.
  • Limbal stem cell deficiency.

Calcific band keratopathy versus calcareous degeneration of the cornea:

Calcareous degeneration of the cornea usually affects the deep layers as well as the anterior layers. Calcareous degeneration occurs in severely diseased eyes with exposed stroma and vascular compromise or in eyes undergoing multiple operations. It has also been reported in a failed corneal graft. Calcareous degeneration of the cornea as seen in seriously injured eyes, phthisis bulbi, and necrotic neoplasms is often accompanied by bone formation elsewhere in the globe. However, primary calcareous degeneration may occur in the absence of systemic disease or calcium metabolic disturbances. The sub epithelial deposition is bilateral, and occasional bouts of irritation may occur.